Forbidden Pages… In Flight
January 10 – April 3, 2025
Miami Beach Regional Library
In support of the freedom to read, Forbidden Pages…In Flight emerges as a compelling art and social engagement exhibition that began in early 2023. Rooted in the centuries-old tradition of broadsides and letterpress printing – a medium that has shaped public discourse for over 500 years – this initiative leverages the power of art to educate, raise awareness, and inspire action.
The exhibit features a dynamic blend of art forms, including letterpress prints, zines, and site-specific installations. Drawing inspiration from a collection of over 2,500 banned or challenged books, the works featured focus on specific titles, such as The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe, Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome, All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson, and Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard.
Through a vibrant fusion of colors, text, abstract patterns, International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), matching barcodes, and selected excerpts from these banned texts, these compositions weave together powerful visual elements. Each component offers clues and insights, inviting viewers to reflect on the significance of these works.
By drawing on the historical and social significance of these printed forms, Forbidden Pages…In Flight is both a creative act of objection and a platform for ongoing dialogue. The exhibit empowers communities to engage with the topics of free expression and education.
Meet the Artist: Forbidden Pages... In Flight Board Game
With Exhibiting Artist Rosa Naday Garmendia
Step into a dynamic board game as part of the Forbidden Pages... In Flight exhibition. Take on the role of a librarian, activist or student, and navigate the game’s challenges to become the champion of knowledge. Meet the artist and experience this exciting interactive game.
Mondays, February 3, 24 & March 3, 10, 17
3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
This exhibition was made possible by Exhibitions at the Library, Miami Dade Public Library System
Forbidden Pages: Art, Activism and Banned Books
December 4, 2023, to February 18, 2024
@ Walgreens on 74th St. and Collins Avenue in Miami Beach
Forbidden Pages is an art and social engagement project featuring letterpress prints, zines, books, Join the Conversation bilingual QR Code/Survey, and site-specific wallpaper murals centered on over 2,500 banned children’s books, including "The Bluest Eye," "Before She Was Harriet," "Festival of Colors," and "Neither,". The ephemeral and temporary artist activations are scheduled to engage the public over the period of six weeks and bring these silenced stories to life.
The works on paper utilize colorful abstract designs rooted in International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), texts, and corresponding barcodes as visual clues. The installation and activations aim to spark curiosity and foster critical thinking among the public by carving out space for spontaneity, vulnerability and curiosity. Seamlessly combining art and critical dialogue, Forbidden Pages encourages reflection on the increasing limitations and decreasing accessibility to literature within Florida’s public schools.
This exhibition was made possible by Oolite Arts.

Celebrate the freedom of expression and challenge the boundaries imposed on the written word!
Panel and conversation with Hedieh Sepehri from Families Against Book Banning, Laura Guerrero program Coordinator for Oolite Arts and artist Rosa Naday Garmendia about art, activism and banned books. Blind Date with a Banned Book giveaway during program. Books curtesy of Books and Books Literary Foundation.