I am a visual artist who works at the intersection of contemporary art and activism, using a multidisciplinary approach to explore social issues. My passion is always my current project, letterpress and linoleum prints, which employ traditional techniques to amplify new voices, share knowledge, spark creativity and conversation. The historical role of printmaking in education and activism fascinates me, and I am committed to using this medium to introduce social issues to communities, aiming to educate and inspire.
I am currently working on "Forbidden Pages," a series of prints that highlight children books censored or challenged in Florida public schools. This project successfully engaged the community, creating a platform for dialogue and reflection through public activations, talk, and Date with a Banned Book giveaway in partnership with Oolite Arts and Books and Books Literary Foundation.
I split my time between Miami, Florida, and La Habana, Cuba, where I was born. The rich cultural tapestries of both cities inspire my work. I speak English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. Outside of my artistic practice, I love being in nature, learning about science, and engaging in community organizing. These interests often influence my art, adding depth and perspective to my creative practice.
Throughout my career, I have represented cultural diplomacy on international platforms and have been an active participant in artist residencies and exhibitions across the Caribbean and beyond. My work has graced esteemed venues like the Corcoran School of Art and Design, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts & Culture, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, among others. I have also made significant contributions to the Havana Biennials and various international museums and galleries.
My commitment to my art practice has been recognized with numerous awards and grants, including the Ellies Creator Award, WaveMaker Grant, and the MIA Stipend Award. Since 2004, I have maintained an active studio practice and is a vital member of the artistic community, contributing to boards such as the Diaspora Vibe Arts Incubator.
Additionally, I am a museum educator at the Perez Art Museum Miami, committed to fostering artistic expression and education. My path has solidified my belief in the importance of a community that transcends geographical and ethnic boundaries.
En la intersección del arte contemporáneo y el activismo con raíces en La Habana y Miami
Rosa Naday Garmendia es una artista multidisciplinaria originaria de La Habana, Cuba, cuyo trabajo combina arte contemporáneo y activismo. Su experiencia personal como inmigrante y una vida de desplazamiento han dejado una profunda huella que influye enormemente en su obra. Creció en Miami y ha sido testigo directo de las marcadas disparidades en ingresos, educación y oportunidades que existen en esa ciudad. Rosa Naday aborda temas como la identidad, el racismo y la lucha justicia social. Su compromiso con la creatividad y el cambio social impulsa su práctica artística.
Rosa Naday ha participado en intercambios culturales internacionales, residencias artísticas y exposiciones en Guadalupe, Surinam, Jamaica y Belice con Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator. Cuenta con exhibiciones en prestigiosas instituciones como The Corcoran, en Washington D.C., el Centro Harvey B. Gantt para las Artes y la Cultura Afroamericana, en Carolina del Sur, el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Utah (UMOCA), Space One Eleven, en Birmingham, Alabama, el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Norte de Miami, el Centro de Artes Culturales del Patrimonio Africano en Miami, el Taller Vermont, Galería ReadyTex, y THE CAG(E) entre otras. En Cuba las Bienales 12, 13 y 14 de La Habana, VI Bienal Nacional de Fotografía, Centro de las Artes Visuales, Pinar del Rio, Galería Universal y la galería UNEAC en el Festival del Caribe, en Sgto. de Cuba.
Residencias notables incluyen el programa de residencia Oolite Arts Home and Away, Equal Justice Thematic International Residency y Vermont Studio Center artist Residency. A lo largo de su carrera, Rosa Naday ha recibido numerosas becas y premios, incluyendo el Ellies Creator Award, WaveMaker Grant, MIA Stipend Award, South Florida Cultural Consortium, Artist Access Grant y Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant, entre otros reconocimientos. Desde el 2004, Rosa Naday mantiene un taller de trabajo donde valora la colaboración con otros artistas que comparten ideas afines. Además, se desempeña como voluntaria en varias juntas directivas de arte, siendo una de ellas la Diaspora Vibe Cultural Arts Incubator.
Además, se desempeña como artista docente en el Perez Art Museum Miami, donde se dedica a la educación de niños, jóvenes y adultos. Con la experiencia vivida y a través de su trabajo artístico se inspira a imaginar nuevos futuros más justos e inclusivos para la humanidad.