Step into this curated collection of digital graphics! Throughout history, artists have employed their creations as vehicles of protest, conveying messages both subtle and overt. The artworks showcased here form an integral part of an activist toolbox, addressing a wide range of contemporary social issues and movements. They serve as a commentary on power structures, propose alternative systems, and boldly express my identity and beliefs.

​In my artistic practice, I embrace a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses installation, painting, drawing, letterpress, linoleum printing, public art, and digital graphics. My creative inspiration stems from the rich potential found in American Broadsides, broadsheets, political posters, and the art legacy of the WPA program, as well as other forms of printed ephemera. The exploration of letterpress printing has sparked my journey into the realm of digital graphics and a deeper engagement with grassroots struggles for justice. I undertake projects aimed at deconstructing oppressive forces such as policing, racism, militarism, and the dehumanizing institutions they represent.

​Each artwork presented here serves multiple purposes. It acts as an educational tool, shedding light on important issues. They stand as gestures of solidarity with the affected communities. And as a thing of beauty that ignites inspiration and motivates viewers to take action. These pieces envision and reflect alternative futures for humanity, capturing hope and possibility within their frames.


Each digital print measures 17” x 11”

Printed on sturdy cardstock paper

$25 per piece


Liberty Flags (as protest signs)

